ITC Engineering Services has an extensive capability in environmental simulation testing. The testing covers a wide range of natural and man-made conditions that are likely to be encountered by a product, component or system during its lifecycle. The simulation of these Climatic environments is used to evaluate a product’s suitability for service as part of the product development process.
Climatic tests are performed to either accepted national and international standards, including MIL-STD 810, IEC 60068 Series, DEF STAN, RTCA, ASTM Specifications etc. or to customer specific requirements.
Climatic testing includes the simulation of various environments similar to those in which the test item may be subjected to, in the field. These environments may include: Hot, Cold, Humid Corrosive, Day, Night, UV, Rain, Snow, Sand Storm, Dust, Hail, Explosive, Gunfire, Salt Water, Underwater, High Altitude Fungi, and more. ITC Engineering’s Environmental Simulation Test Laboratory offers all the above simulation testing including the following: